Sunday, October 27th
I just got my workbook delivered to my house and access to the learning platform. These death doula people are serious. I have an entire weekend worth of pre-work to do to be ready for my course next Friday.
I'm interested in taking the death doula course because, well, so many things around me are dying. Aren't they dying around you? Ideals, ideas, ideology, the environment, our ecology, organizations.
Maybe not whole organizations, although that happens, too. Maybe just inside of organizations something is always dying.
A product,
a partnership,
an initiative,
an idea,
something's always dying,
and something's always trying to be born.
I think that the more we ignore what's trying to die the more we stifle what's trying to be born.
I keep thinking about the rounds and rounds and rounds of layoffs that happen all the time. I wonder if we could start to recognize what is dying inside of an organization before it's in its final death throes, before we don't have any choice about what to do, could we not instead hospice a more gentle death that creates the space for the life to come in?
Perhaps then we wouldn't go through these cycles of ruining people's lives by laying them off and then having to rehire them somewhere else in the economy or sometimes right back in the same company six months later.
These are some of the musings I have as I go into the Death Doula Workshop. I'll tell you what, I am really impressed and a little dismayed about the comparison of this kind of training with business training.
When I say these people are serious, let me tell you, they're serious. I have to watch a whole series of videos. There's a bunch of journaling prompts.
I have a workbook.
There have been several messages sent saying that you must do this pre-work and you must do the course work and you must do the post work if you want this certificate.
I've already read about the ethics of being a death doula ahead of time, even before walking into the classroom.
These people are serious.
I think it's interesting that death doula training, training to be an emergency medical technician to respond to 911 calls, or training to be a yoga instructor are all more serious endeavors than the training we get in business.
Something's off kilter here.
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